Hands-on spectroscopy at CDT Optima

This June, we had the pleasure of sitting as industry judges at a very unusual competition for applied spectroscopy company start-ups. The contestants were all PhD students, and just one week before, some of them had never touched a spectrometer in their lives. The competition goes under the unassuming name […]

Beyond OCT: New Interferometric Imaging Techniques in Biomedicine

The June 2016 issue of Photonics Media includes an article with new applications in the OCT market including kidney and prostate cancer detection. Spectroscopy and OCT is highlighted for evaluating burn injuries to the skin, and handheld OCT is mentioned in the diagnosis of middle ear infections and breast cancer. Read […]


Space Mission Uses Utah Technology To Detect Life On Mars


By: Elaine Taylor  |  Friday, January 17, 2014 An upcoming mission to Mars will have the help of one Utah company that will be providing some of the technology to find chemical evidence of life beneath the iron oxide that gives the “Red Planet” its nickname. Wasatch Photonics makes high-tech refraction gratings and spectrometers that […]


Local Tech Company Assisting with 2018 Mars Mission


By Kevin Opsahl | Posted: Thursday, January 16, 2014 8:58 pm The Herald Journal A Logan-based company is developing technology that will be used to help find traces of organic material and water on a mission to Mars tentatively scheduled for 2018. The optical imaging company Wasatch Photonics, located at […]

Wasatch Photonics Technology to be Used for Mission to Mars

West Lafayette, Ind., Logan, Utah, Durham, N.C. and Madrid Technology from Wasatch Photonics, Inc., an optical imaging company, will be used to help meet the technological and scientific objectives of a mission to Mars. Madrid-based Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aeroespacial, a public research organization specializing in aerospace research and technology […]

Raman Lasers

Raman spectroscopy requires a concentrated light source such as a laser to generate Raman signal from a sample, which is often referred to as a ‘Raman laser’ or ‘Raman excitation laser’. Its characteristics impact the quality of the Raman spectrum which can be acquired. This is why the lasers we […]

Prism Awards Finalist

Wasatch Photonics is pleased to announce our  selection as a finalist in the Prism Awards 2013. The Stroker f/1.3 spectrometer has been recognized for its excellence in the Category of Detectors, Sensing, Imaging, and Cameras. Read more at Photonics Prism Awards. Learn about the Ultimate in Spectrometers, including the Stroker f/1.3. November […]

Wasatch Photonics Receives SBIR Phase I

Wasatch Photonics Receives SBIR Phase I for High-speed Low-cost Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography System for Intravascular Imaging Applications. Read more at OCTNews.org June 6, 2011